When purchasing a home, individuals often have a list of "must-haves" that reflect their essential criteria and preferences. These can include factors like location, which might involve proximity to work, schools, public transportation, or amenities. The size and layout of the property, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as the overall square footage, are also important considerations. Safety, neighborhood quality, and access to recreational spaces may feature prominently on the list. Specific features such as a modern kitchen, ample storage, a backyard, or energy-efficient appliances might also be must-haves. Parking options, whether it's a garage or dedicated parking space, could be essential, especially in urban areas. Ultimately, the must-haves vary from person to person, reflecting their lifestyle, needs, and aspirations, and guide their search for the perfect home. As your representative, I can help you create your list of priorities and provide insight into coming up with idea you may not have considered.